Why Sleep is Good for Peak Mental Performance

Picture this: You put your cellphone on your charger at night. The next morning your alarm goes off. You reach over to grab your phone only to realize that you didn’t plug it in all the way and now your phone is at half a charge. You’ve got a full day of work ahead of you. You’re not sure if …

Elite Versus Ordinary

Elite Versus Ordinary. The Mental Edge Effect

Have you ever wondered what divides elite athletes or competitors from the ordinary ones? Some of the greatest events in sports have happened when the underdog competitor rises to the top against all odds. Of course, maybe they were ruled out because another athlete had better stats. But, they kept trying and their hard work and resiliency paid off in …

Gut and Brain Connection; Butterflies In My Stomach

Gut and Brain Connection; Butterflies In My Stomach

Gut and Brain Connection, did you ever stop to wonder about the phrases “gut-wrenching, “nauseating” and “butterflies in the stomach”? They all have something in common: they describe the physical feeling, specifically that in your gut which accompanies emotional states. For example, pushing away a plate of food or feeling as though you can’t eat when you are sad or …

Performance curve

Meditation and Peak Mental Performance (MEF-Meditation)

Peak Mental Performance The practice of meditation provides a verifiable scientific model of mental training tools and techniques that transforms connections in our brain systems that can be used to boost peak mental performance. The practice of meditation has been proven in changing the neuroplasticity of our brain systems. Specifically, the changes have been seen in reaction and recovery from …